Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It has been a busy summer and a few weeks since I've posted anything so here it goes.

Weightloss --- well I have plateaued again. When this happens I pull out my measuring tape and get my body fat checked. The good news is that while my weightloss has slowed, I'm still shrinking. :-D

My health educator did a body fat test last week. In this test, you hold on to a device that sends a small electrical charge through your body. You don't feel it but it can measure water, bone, muscle, fat, etc. I had this test done back in the beginning of April. Back then I was at 32% body fat and had 67.5lbs of fat. Since then I have lost 20 lbs...the great news is that I'm at 29% body fat which translates to 50lbs of fat. That tells me that my weight loss over the last 3 months has been primarily FAT and not MUSCLE. This is FANTASTIC!!

I am definitely OK with a slower weight loss if it means that I'm gaining muscle and losing fat. I am also focused on training for my 5k which is not going to speed up my weight loss. Most people think running will make you lose weight - it doesn't really. It burns fat but you also gain muscle which weighs more than fat....I still want to get to my goal weight of 150 but I now have my eye on doing the Santa Catalina Island Triathlon in Nov. If I decide to do that, I will be training in the pool, bike and running. I may not reach my goal by doing it, but I will have a lot of fun along the way!

My weigh in is tonight. I'm not really looking forward to it since I know I have not lost anything. I am mentally transitioning to maintenance so this will be my last or second to last medically supervised visit. Then I'm off to Phase 2 to continue my journey.

Wish me luck!

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