Friday, May 28, 2010

Week 20 Weigh In

You may be asking... what happened to Week 19's Weigh In? I was travelling! So no weigh in for that week. :)

Anyway, it was good to be back in the clinic Wednesday. I was there early and got to spend some time w/ Noel (the nurse) and caught up with the staff and doctors. My weigh-in shows be down 3 lbs bringing my total weight loss to 68 lbs.

With Memorial Day weekend coming up, it should be a busy and active weekend. I would really like to get into the 160's by June!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Back from the Midwest

I'm so happy to be home! It's so much easier to stay in my box at home than when travelling. I do have to say that I was pleased with myself and some (not all) of the choices I made while I was away.

I brought enough shakes, muffins, MR's and bars to last me all week. The two things that didn't quite work out were: 1) the room did not have a fridge. I could not store my muffins and the last 7 went bad. 2) no microwave; I had to eat Lasagna, Cheese Ravioli, and Mexican Enchiladas cold. Blech.... Not horrid, but I preferred to rush through dinner rather than enjoy them like I normally would.

Overall my mornings were fine. I would have a shake with coffee, then cereal a while later. That would tide me over until lunch. Lunch was out of the box...Most of my out of the box eating consisted of tuna or turkey sandwiches. In the evenings, I stuck to the MR's. I dined out twice. One night (Panera's) w/ my good friend Jennifer and the following day we went to her gym and worked out for about 2 1/2 hours! I managed to run twice while I was there and also did lots of power walking (4miles or more).

Overall, it was a good trip. It was challenging, but I'm not beating myself up for eating out of my box. I have come to learn that over the next few months I must start transitioning from HMR food to normal food and this process will require that I start making better choices if I want to keep the weight off.

My goals for next time would be:
1) more vegetarian "out of the box" choices.
2) zero no-PA days.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Upcoming Travel

My trip to our corporate offices starts this Sunday. I've got to bake chicken shake and regular shake muffins today. Likely a double batch of each. I'm not feeling well today and since I fly on a Sunday, I'm using today as one of my weekends.

I'm also going to look on google map to plot out my running path for next week. I'm not one of those people who can just randomly jog from one street to the next. I also found a yoga place. I've been contemplating Yoga for a while now since running tends to make my joints tight afterwards. I found a yoga place right up the street from the corporate offices. I figure, I could alternate running days with yoga days and just bring my gym bag to the office.

I feel mentally prepared to go and be challenged to stay in my box. Now that I have veggies and an exercise plan, I'm hopeful. I do have a dinner on Thursday with clients. I will likely go out of the box then but I plan to stay vegetarian that night, no alcohol, no starches, no pasta.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goal Assessment #3

The last few months have taught me a few things about my body.
# 1 - I love exercise!
# 2 - weight loss is like being stuck in LA traffic. You go slow, then speed up, then eventually get there, just not when you planned!
My last set of goals showed me reaching my goal weight by the end of May. That is not going to happen but I'm very happy with my progress so far. I believe this set of goals will be achievable.

  • To be below 170 by the end of May.
  • To be below 160 by the end of June.
  • To reach my goal by the end of July.

That gives me a 10 lb goal each month which should be fine given my downward trend so far and it will bring my BMI into the Normal (aka: not overweight) range.

Jenny NOT overweight? Hmmm what a concept!

Week 18 Weigh In

Last night's weigh in shows me down another 3 lbs bringing my total weight loss to 65 lbs. At my current weight of 175, I am 25 lbs away from my goal!!!

Last night,. my diet buddy and I officially went to the veggie plan which adds a limited selection of vegetables into my box. I was thrilled! Afterwards, I stocked up on the yummy goodness at the grocery store and went home to make something "asian".

I took 1 1/2 cup stir fry veggie mix and cooked them up in a pan using olive oil Pam, some grated ginger, and a squeeze of lemon. I mixed that with my Savory Chicken MR which contained wild rice, chicken breast and a smattering of mushrooms. Combined, it turned into a great tasting chicken bowl for 250 calories. Woooohoo!

I plan to bask in veggies veggies veggies.

Sunday I fly out for a week long business trip. I feel more confident that I will be able to stay in my box this trip, and run everyday.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My dog passed away on Friday. I'm heartbroken and I miss her. She was 15 1/2 when she died of kidney failure. She died in my arms. The last thing she heard was me telling her that I loved her and the last thing she saw was my son's face. I couldn't ask for a better way for her to go.

I love you Sable.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 17 Weigh In

Last night I weighed in and lost 3 lbs bringing my total weight loss to 62 lbs. My current weight is 178. I am very happy that I'm no longer in the obese category! I've put my "out of the box" fiasco behind me and I have gotten back to my normal routine. I have thought a lot about what the challenges were for travel and will do my best to correct them when I had off to my next trip in two weeks.

1. Drink all my water.
2. Keep exercising
3. Keep good records
4. If I find myself in an "out of box" scenario, stick with vegetarian.

I thought I would get the 3rd degree last night but everyone looked at me with the "you've accomplished so much already" mentality. For the first time, I felt like I could let it go, move past it, and if it happens again, just make better choices.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 16 Weigh In

I'm posting this a week late since I didn't get a chance to do it before I left.

My 4/27 weigh in showed me down another 2 lbs to 181. This brings my total weight loss to 59lbs.

Since my weigh in, I've totaled about 15 miles of running and walking. My home scales have not been kind. The travel has thrown me off and I have been hard at work this weekend getting back on track with my food and water intake. My water intake while away was terrible - almost half. The scales this morning show me breaking even so I have 3 days to lose something before weigh in...I really want to be below 180 and out of the obese category....